Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Research Study On Outsourcing Activities - 1145 Words

1. INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces brief information about research background and rationale; next, research problems are specified which are then directed down to research objectives. Finally, ethical confirmation is presented, coming up with the research structure. 1.1. Background During last decades, lots of companies in developed countries have moved their production processes from the origin country to other developing countries in the East, Southeast and South Asia (Tate et al 2014), so-called offshoring or outsourcing activities. This practice occurred strongly as a trend in the manufacturing industry due to economic and strategic objectives such as lower overseas labour cost, location advantage cost, related government and†¦show more content†¦The phenomenon of firms transferring their business operations back to its country of origin can be referred as reshoring, insourcing, onshoring, backshoring, homeshoring, and rightshoring (Espana 2013). Even though some explanation have been mentioned, this strategic changes in manufacturing location mainly because of increase in wages, fluctuation in currency values, labour productivity and reduction of energy costs from 2004 to 2014. According to the International Labour Organization, wages in low-cost countries have soared. For instance, real wages in Asia rose by 7.1% to 7.8% a year between 2000 and 2008 while pays in advanced economies just increased 0.5% to 0.9%, even in American manufacturing, the real wages have declined by 2.2% since 20005. Pay for senior management in several emerging markets such as China, Turkey and Brazil, now either matches or exceeds pay in America and Europe (Hay Group report 2014). In addition, pay and benefits in China – the largest offshoring and outsourcing developing country increased by 10% (2000-2005) and 19% (2005-2010) (Boston Consulting Group 2011) (figure 1). Moreover, Chinese Government increased the target minimum wages by 13% until 2015. At this rate, wage differential between the US and China will disappear by 2020 (Sirkin et al.). Figure 1: Wage rate revolution (source: Boston Consulting Group 2011) In

Friday, December 20, 2019

Global Climate Change, Sustainable Development - 1527 Words

The Global Environmental Movement is one of the many (NGO’s) addressing international issues, mostly in developing countries, gathering and analyze technical information. Environmental issues have become a significant problem over the years, which raised concerns at the global and international levels, which provoke movements for environmental protection at the international level. From the early 1960s forward, concern about the global scopes of environmental harm and the movement for international environmental protection grew significantly. The first issues such as oil spills, nuclear testing, and overfishing was the areas targeted for ratification by the United Nations, concerning the environmental protection of Antarctica. Increasing concerns over loss species and poorer nations in the lack of resources lead to these three major issues, biodiversity, global climate change, and sustainable development in which the paper will discuss. Keywords: biodiversity, global climate c hange, sustainable development International Environmental Movements Introduction There are settings where international environmental disputes are arbitrated, such as National courts, the International Court of Justice, and international panels. These meetings, however, generally require that the disputing parties freely submit to the jurisdiction of the court or board.Show MoreRelatedGlobal Climate Change, Sustainable Development1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe Global Environmental Movement is one of the many (NGO’s) addressing international issues, mostly in developing countries, gathering and analyze technical information. Environmental issues have become a significant problem over the years, which raised concerns at the global and international levels, which provoke movements for environmental protection at the international level. From the early 1960s forward, concern about the global scopes of environmental harm and the movement for internationalRead MoreThe Changing Relationship Between Nature And Society1658 Words   |  7 Pagesin every kind of env ironment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it s here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster.† (Obama, 2006). In this speech Obama spoke honestly and truthfully about the current situation society is facing with nature. In this paper I willRead MoreReducing Humans Impact on Global Climate Change988 Words   |  4 Pagesreducing the impact of human activity on global climate change. Both the cause and victim of climate change is human. 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This report along with otherRead MoreFraming Climate Change As An Issue Of Sustainable Development865 Words   |  4 PagesFraming climate change as an issue of sustainable development also has positive impacts for the governance of adaptation measures. It has been recognized that mitigation efforts have not sufficed to stop or even minimize the damage of global warming, wi th experts agreeing that the INDCs will not reach the intended reduction target of 2 degrees (International Energy Agency 2015). This has been argued to be the result of a ‘top-down’ approach that centers on nation states making international treatiesRead MoreThe Concept Of Sustainable Development1638 Words   |  7 PagesThe concept of sustainable development has been at the centre of many big debates of late including world conferences on development and developmental planners. 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Companies such as Chevron, Exxon and BP are three of the highest contributors of greenhouse gasRead MoreMount Everest : Sustainable Tourism And Sustainable Development In Nepal777 Words   |  4 PagesSustainable development is defined as â€Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs† (United Nations General Assembly, 1987, p. 43). It is not only related with natural environment, but with social and economic conditions of what people do. In this respect, tourism industry which is highly associated with these conditions is, indeed, an essential part of sustaina ble development. Thus, the UNWTO defines sustainable tourismRead MoreOutcome of RIO earth summit 19921626 Words   |  7 PagesIn 1992 the historic UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, popularly known as the Earth Summit) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witnessed unprecedented political will and commitment among governments to make a paradigm shift to sustainable development. Acknowledging the twin crises of poverty and the environment. About the Conference†¦ United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) 2 week conference Largest gathering of world leaders in history â€Å"historic moment for

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Vegetable Consumption by

Question: Discuss about the Reseach on Vegetable Consumption by Children. Answer: Background Consuming vegetables reduces the risk of chronic disease and acts as an important source of vital nutrients (Nguyen et al., 2016). Based on the Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL)s report Australians has observed with inadequate intake of consuming vegetables. This trend is particular in younger age groups, with only 25% consuming the recommended daily serves. Based on the secondary data evaluation it has been recognised that the total percentage of females consuming vegetable is higher than the males. The inadequate vegetable intake has been depicted with 91.2% to 91.2% in 2012. This problem has been evident since 2004-2005 (Foundation, 2017). Research problem and objectives Research Objectives Some of the main objectives of the research are stated below as follows: To depict the factors responsible low consumption of vegetables and broccoli in general among the younger age group Identify the reasons/ barriers among children for not consuming broccoli To recommend suggestions for improving present situation Research Scope The research has mainly considered the consumption of broccoli and vegetables among the younger age groups. It has only included the responses from Australia and not considered any respondents who are pursuing higher than secondary education. Justification The importance of the study is in knowing the reasons for lower consumption of vegetables/broccoli among the younger age group in Australia. Literature Review The key findings from the Australian Dietary Guidelines or ADG the Guidelines)conducted in 2013 has revealed that most Australian did not met their minimum number of serves for Vegetables and legumes/beans. The overall age of this was prevalent among the 2 years and over had consumed only 2.7 serves of the vegetables and legumes/ beans each day. This has been children aged 2-18 years with average of 1.8 serves per day, which has been identified as less than 1% of the usual recommendation (, 2017). The previous study undertaken by Nutritional surveillance of Australia has revealed there has been considerable debate in the low consumption of the vegetables among the children in Australia. It has been seen with the varied types of the statements which has been stated in teh report has been related to the different aspect vegetable intake consumptions had been decreasing with the increasing age of the children (Morgan, 2013). Several types of the other studies conducted by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have revealed that the most Australians are consuming eating vegetables which are not enough. This has been evident with only 6% of the Australian adult eating the recommended serves of both fruit and vegetables. It has been further discerned that only 22% of the children aged 4-8 years consume recommended serves of vegetables (, 2017). Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework has been suggested with the following diagram: Hypotheses The important hypotheses set for the study based on the suggested framework from the literature review have been listed below as follows: H1: Vegetable Eating Habits with family/ household members has an impact on the vegetable consumption on their children? H2: Familys perception of cost of vegetables has an impact on the vegetable? H3: Perception of nutrition value of eating vegetables by the family members has an impact on the vegetable consumption on their children? H4: Quantity of vegetables bought has an impact on the vegetable consumption on their children? Proposed Research Methods Quantitative Research The main aspect of the research will be based on the quantitative research approach. This is due to the fact that the data will be based on the evaluation of the various types of the interval, ordinal and data based on ratios. It has been further seen that as the study has four hypotheses set for the study it will be easy depict then using quantitative research methods by using statistical tools. It has been further seen that the dependent and variable will be easier to be evaluated using descriptive statistics. Measurement and Scaling The main dependent variable will be considered to be Childrens consumption of vegetables. Some of the main independent variable has been considered based on Vegetable Eating Habits with family/ household members, Familys perception of cost of vegetables, Perception of nutrition value of eating vegetables by the family members and Quantity of vegetables bought by the household members. The questionnaire has been able to make an effective use of nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales. Sampling The main form of the sampling will be based on simple random sampling technique. Hence there will be no biasness in the selection of the participants based on their gender, educational status and age group. The sample selection for the research will be further based on the children based in Australia. Despite of conducting the study in Australia, it will take into account the various types of opinions from the foreign origins in Australia. Some of the various types of the other consideration have been further based on the total sample size of 100 respondents. These respondents are may be the children themselves or their parents will assist in the filling of the survey forms. The respondents will be classified based on pre-school, primary or secondary study. Data collection The various types of the collection of the primary data will be based on survey method. It has been discerned that the various types of the responses will be collected with the survey questionnaire prepared for the study. The survey form will be mainly distributes via email to the different children through schools and parents in Australia. The main considerations of the secondary data will be reviewed from the Government websites in Australia. Data Analysis The various types of the data collected from the survey questionnaire will be based on the conversion of the percentage values for a better understanding of the responses. The evaluation of the quantitative data will be further taken into account based on the various types of the consideration with central tendency analysis of respondents data. For having a better understanding of the related to the connection of the variables various types of the statistical tools such as are Sample Variance, Skewness, Standard Deviation and the median will be evaluated. The different sources of the secondary data will be able to address the relevant issues associated to the theoretical bases considered for the literature for the study. Ethical Considerations The ethical issues associated to the research have been identified in terms of the informing of the human subjects for the involvement in the data collection process and their willingness to participate in the research process. The main issue has been further seen with disclosure of personal information of the individuals. The research will address the various types of the ethical constraints by maintaining an ethical checklist. The ethical checklist will be designed to alert the various types of the ethical obligations which are seen to be associated to the different types of the ethical obligations depicted during the conduction of the research involving human subjects. The ethical checklist will ensure that nature of the involvement of the collection of data involving the features of the research and the considerations which has been considerations for the influence willingness to participate. The various types of the other considerations in the checklist has included to show the awareness of the human subjects with the research objectives, prior consent, confidentiality of the human subjects identity and necessary measures to prevent the security of the privacy. Summary Based on the research proposal we will be able to depict the factors responsible low consumption of vegetables and broccoli in general among the younger age group, Identify the reasons/ barriers among children for not consuming broccoli and recommend suggestions for improving present situation. The main dependent variable will be considered to be Childrens consumption of vegetables. Some of the main independent variable has been considered based on Vegetable Eating Habits with family/ household members, Familys perception of cost of vegetables, Perception of nutrition value of eating vegetables by the family members and Quantity of vegetables bought by the household members. The main form of the sampling will be based on simple random sampling technique. Hence there will be no biasness in the selection of the participants based on their gender, educational status and age group. The research will be further collect data from the survey questionnaire, whicch will be based on the conver sion of the percentage values for a better understanding of the responses. The evaluation of the quantitative data will be further taken into account based on the various types of the consideration with central tendency analysis of respondents data. For having a better understanding of the related to the connection of the variables various types of the statistical tools such as are Sample Variance, Skewness, Standard Deviation and the median will be evaluated References Foundation, T. (2017).Fruit and vegetable consumption statistics.The Heart Foundation. Retrieved 19 August 2017, from Nguyen, B., Bauman, A., Gale, J., Banks, E., Kritharides, L., Ding, D. (2016). Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause mortality: evidence from a large Australian cohort study.International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,13(1), 9. (2017). [online] Available at:$File/43640do002_20112012.pdf [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. Morgan, E. (2013). Fruit and vegetable consumption and waste in Australia.Victoria, Australia: State Government of Victoria, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Strategic Management Products and Services

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management for Products and Services. Answer: Introduction The following analysis highlights the features of fast cycle market and standard cycle market and its competitive edge over others. For the better understanding of the given proposition, Toyota Motors have been selected as the organization in this regard. Standard and fast cycle market The market cycle may be divided into various segments, namely, standard cycle, fast cycle and others. If the market is based on slow cycle, then the most important rival would be different from fast cycle market conditions. On the other hand, there are strategic alliances that are found in slow market cycles. The various reasons include enhancement of access to the restricted market and foundation of a new franchisee in a new market and maintenance of market stability (Bansal and DesJardine 2014). The competitive advantage may be attained by the organization by comprehending copyrights, patents, geography and others. Thus, it would be more efficient and convenient for the organization to be a market leader in the auto industry. The competitive edge is oriented to maintain, protect and widen the various advantages exit in the market if the competitive advantage is developed (Choi et al. 2014). The competitive advantages of a firm are safeguarded from that of imitation. The reason of t his is, imitation happening promptly in fast cycle market conditions. The competitive advantage of the firm is not sustainable in the course of this period of the cycle. On the other hand, standard market cycle and fast cycle market are less effective than others owing to a rapid decline in the prices of organizational products and services that also contributes to declining in productivity (McLean and Zhao 2014). Business instance of standard cycle market The significant competitor of Ford is considered to be Toyota Motors Company. The noteworthy players are dependent on market cycle and condition of the market. In standard market conditions, Ford may take one type of competitive advantage from Toyota Motors (Braun 2012). As per the given instance, Ford Motors may use the technology for manufacturing of premium products and services to assume competitive advantages in the fast market cycle. The change in the profit of the organizations would result in a change of significant players. In the given case, Ford has to spur various innovative products to assume as a notable player in the industry (Chatterjee 2013). Utility of fast cycle in business Fast cycle time is however not an alien concept of business strategic management. Nowadays, business managers in more complex organizations are availing competitive advantage by making major changes in the management of the companies. The fast cycle time exerts two major roles. It is an organizational capability, and level of performance that the management builds and shapes into the firms operating systems and also the attitude of the resources. The main idea of fast cycle time is to formulate an organization which functions without errors, inventories, and bottlenecks that most companies operate with. Secondly, the fast cycle is a management model, which propels a management how to assume competitive advantage in the sector. The fast cycle option contributes to better performance across the ranks of the organization (Bansal and DesJardine 2014). Costs fall as production materials collect fewer overheads and do not accrue as work-in-process inventory. Also, customer service experien ces improvement since the lead time on order receipt to shipment decreases. This impels in higher quality in operations which boosts the company to keep the organization in proximity to the consumers (Morden 2016). Instance of fast cycle market To elucidate the topic, it is imperative to introduce the instance of McDonald in the given context. The fast cycle markets help the company to undertake faster decisions, develop new products and increase the efficiency in customer deliverables (McLean and Zhao 2014). Student Post (discussion) Fast cycle is not something new relating to business strategy. Firms accomplish sustainable competitive advantage by initiating drastic changes in the ranks of the organization. This enables them to make decisions faster. The factual reality is fast cycle method helps in developing new products, services and solution for a given firm. This results in creating unique value for the organization, by and large. This is a typical management model which impels any organization with competitive advantage that the firm may exercise over others in the business domain. On the other hand, standard-cycle reflects service being rendered to a large segment of customers in competitive market conditions. While fast cycle aims to gain competitive advantage over players, the later entails over service being delivered to a vast range of customers. In this case, competitive advantage is less specific in nature, and therefore standard-cycle entities can replicate the model and perform their objectives in slow-cycle market conditions. Conclusion The above discussion analyses the effectiveness of fast cycle in the business parlance by introducing Ford Motor Company and McDonalds as instances which explicate the given topic in the best possible manner. Reference list Bansal, P. and DesJardine, M.R., 2014. Business sustainability: It is about time. Strategic Organization, 12(1), pp.70-78. Braun, C., 2012. Economic Analysis of Fast Spectrum Reactors. In Fast Spectrum Reactors (pp. 39-46). Springer US. Chatterjee, S., 2013. Simple rules for designing business models. California Management Review, 55(2), pp.97-124. Choi, T.M., Hui, C.L., Liu, N., Ng, S.F. and Yu, Y., 2014. Fast fashion sales forecasting with limited data and time. Decision Support Systems, 59, pp.84-92. McLean, R.D. and Zhao, M., 2014. The business cycle, investor sentiment, and costly external finance. The Journal of Finance, 69(3), pp.1377-1409. Morden, T., 2016. Principles of strategic management. Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Heaven free essay sample

# 8217 ; s Gate Cult Essay, Research Paper On March 26, 1997, in what has become known as one of the most notable mass self-destructions in history, 39 work forces and adult females affiliated with the Heavens Gate cult took their ain lives by consuming a combination of Sodium thiopentals assorted with apple sauce and intoxicant. Each was dressed all in black, their faces covered by a violet shroud. Those who wore spectacless had them neatly folded following to their organic structure, and all had designation documents for the governments to happen. The house was speckless, tidier even than before the victims had moved in. It was as if, in fixing for their decease, they were minding the words of the prophesier Isaiah: # 8220 ; Set thine house in order ; for 1000 shalt dice, and non live. # 8221 ; And while their disconnected terminal may look instead unusual, the manner they lived is even more perplexing. The group came together in the mid 1970s under the magnetic sermon of Marshall Herff Applewhite, and his comrade, Bonnie Lu Nettles, a former nurse. We will write a custom essay sample on Heaven or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It enjoyed a ephemeral explosion of ill fame, during which clip they referred to themselves as Bo and Peep, before the twosome took it underground in 1976. After bing in deep privacy in assorted Southwestern metropoliss, the group surfaced once more briefly in 1994, when members sought out recruits with a series of public talks. In the group # 8217 ; s paperss, Applewhite and Nettles are described as representatives of an extraterrestrial plane called the Kingdom of Heaven, who have come to Earth # 8220 ; to offer the manner taking to rank # 8221 ; to those who could get the better of their fond regard to money, sex, and household life. Such entire separation, the group preached, was necessary because Earth # 8217 ; s human constructions # 8211 ; governmental, economic and, particularly, spiritual # 8211 ; were under the control of diabolic forces: # 8220 ; Luciferians # 8221 ; and evil # 8220 ; infinite foreigners, # 8221 ; in the group # 8217 ; s footings. In clip, they began naming themselves # 8220 ; the Two, # 8221 ; a mention to the # 8220 ; two informants # 8221 ; of Christ foretold in the Bible # 8217 ; s Book of Revelation. Harmonizing to the Bible, the two informants are Prophetss who will be slain by a animal from the bottomless cavity, so be resurrected and ascend to Heaven. They were both anti-establishment and intolerant, naming for entire separation from society, simple life with shared resources, and attachment to a strict moral codification. Applewhite besides required members of the cult to dress, talk, and look the same. He made them all wear the same apparels, shaved everyone # 8217 ; s caput, and made them forbear from utilizing personal pronouns such as # 8220 ; he # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; she # 8221 ; . They were besides non permitted to get married, hold sex, or imbibe. Members had to give all their ownerships to the cult ; several even voluntarily castrated themselves. Much of the indispensable beliefs of Heaven # 8217 ; s Gate are spelled out in a drawn-out, first-person statement published on the group # 8217 ; s website. Written in 1995 by Mr. Applewhite ( under the rubric # 8220 ; An E.T. Presently Incarnate # 8221 ; ) , it reveals that Ms. Nettles died in 1985 ( or, as he wrote, # 8220 ; separated from her borrowed human container and returned to the Next Level # 8221 ; ) . The remainder of their religion system is detailed in a 200-page book that the members of Heaven # 8217 ; s Gate self-published. One of them wrote that they had spent 17 old ages undergoing a type of re-education, # 8220 ; a # 8216 ; metaphoric # 8217 ; schoolroom experience of altering over their consciousness and behaviour, # 8221 ; germinating to make a phase in which they could come in the higher kingdom that Mr. Applewhite and Ms. Nettles preached. In these and other plants, the group elaborated on its divinity, based on a Christian model, but with a whole n ew set of millennialist beliefs that seems more like the plants of a celebrated scientific discipline fiction author. The beliefs were these: Two thousand old ages ago, the existences of the Kingdom Level Above Human appointed an # 8220 ; Older Member # 8221 ; to direct to Earth a # 8220 ; Representative # 8221 ; ( Jesus ) to learn people how to come in the # 8220 ; true # 8221 ; Kingdom of God. But worlds inspired by diabolic forces killed this person, besides called # 8220 ; the Captain, # 8221 ; and transformed his teachin gs into â€Å"watered-down Country Club religion.† Then a new opportunity was offered to humanity in the 1970 # 8217 ; s, when the Kingdom Level dispatched a 2nd squad of two Older Members to take up human organic structures ( or # 8220 ; vehicles # 8221 ; ) and restart the instructions. The paperss besides make clear that the group # 8217 ; s members took curious new names, another mark of their complete interruption with the outside universe. Applewhite was identified on the Internet site merely as Do while Nettles was Ti. The group # 8217 ; s followings arrived on Earth in # 8220 ; staged # 8221 ; ballistic capsule clangs and were temporarily disembodied before taking human signifier in organic structures particularly designated for that intent by # 8220 ; other crews from the Level Above Human. # 8221 ; The papers is full of predicting about the province of the universe, warning that the Government, the wealthy and # 8220 ; moral # 8221 ; leaders are controlled by evil infinite foreigners, who have besides used all faiths to lead on worlds about God. It warns of a coming apocalypse that will destruct civilisation. Gang wars and cultural cleaning are offered as cogent evidence that the procedure has begun. Later there will be a # 8220 ; Restoration period # 8221 ; in which another civilisation will be born. The group # 8217 ; s stiffly autocratic codification is besides revealed. # 8220 ; The lone manner an person can turn in the Following Degree is to larn to be dependent on his Older Member as that beginning of limitless growing and cognition. So, any younger member in good standing forever remains wholly dependent upon ( and looks to ) his Older Member for all things. # 8221 ; The most recent ( and concluding ) posting on the Heaven # 8217 ; s Gate Internet site declared that the attack of the Hale-Bopp comet provided # 8221 ; the # 8216 ; marker # 8217 ; we # 8217 ; ve been waiting for # 8212 ; the clip for the reaching of the ballistic capsule from the Level Above Human to take us place to # 8216 ; Their World # 8217 ; # 8212 ; in the actual Heavens. # 8221 ; Heaven # 8217 ; s Gate left no deficit of hints as to its negative thought about the value of this secular life. The group held fast to a Gnostic spiritual position of the psyche as a separate and superior being, temporarily populating a physical signifier. Bodies, wrote Do, were simply # 8221 ; the impermanent container for the soul. # 8221 ; A psyche, he added, could germinate to a higher degree of being, at which point it would have a new physical signifier to house it. # 8221 ; The concluding act of metabolism or separation from the human land, # 8221 ; he wrote, # 8221 ; is the # 8216 ; unplug # 8217 ; or separation from the human physical container or organic structure in order to be released from the human environment. # 8221 ; In another papers posted on its Internet site, Heaven # 8217 ; s Gate ironically declared itself # 8221 ; against self-destruction # 8221 ; # 8211 ; but yet subtly left open the possibility. Yes, the group said, its members expected to go out Earth in their # 8221 ; physical vehicles ( organic structures ) # 8221 ; when a starship arrived to take them to the # 8221 ; Next Level. # 8221 ; But should the forces of the universe turn violently against them, it added, the group would be # 8221 ; mentally prepared # 8221 ; for whatever came its manner. They besides allude to the illustration of the Jews at Masada who killed themselves instead than subject to Roman hosts in A.D. 73. Furthermore, the group said its apprehension of self-destruction was non at all conventional: # 8221 ; The true significance of # 8217 ; suicide # 8217 ; is to turn against the Following Degree when it is being offered. # 8221 ; In the group # 8217 ; s thought, a starship, thought to be following in Hale-Bopp # 8217 ; s aftermath, would be offering merely such an chance. In decision, the full aura of the Heaven # 8217 ; s Gate cult seems like something straight out of a late dark Television film. Like most millennialist groups, members held a steadfast belief in an onset apocalypse and that merely an elite few would accomplish redemption. The spread of their philosophy on the Internet brought about widespread concern over the power of the web. The statement has subsided, nevertheless, with the transition of clip. I, for one, find the supposed nexus between the Internet and cult activities instead absurd. Extreme credulousness and brainwashing, I believe, would be the lone ways a recruit would of all time accept such an bizarre set of beliefs. Heaven free essay sample I’m not sure that heaven exists. But sometimes I imagine what would be like if it . In the book by Mitch Albourn, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, each person lives forever in a memory or experience that brought him or her peace in life. If heaven is anything like Albourn’s model, I already know where my heaven is going to be: 1152 Haverstraw Road, Suffern New York. This is the address of Ramapo Equestrian Center. More specifically, my heaven will be the trail that runs around the back of the barn along the stream. I will be riding my favorite horse, Dutch, cooling down like I have done so many times after a good ride. Under the stretching blue sky, with a gentle breeze playing in my hair, I will walk round and round, scratching Dutch’s shoulder, gazing up at the beautiful tree covered mountains that crouch protectively over the valley. We will write a custom essay sample on Heaven or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is where my mind slows down, at 1152 Haverstraw Road in Suffern New York. On the weekends, I come here to breathe. Monday through Thursday, my life is a blur, a nonstop marathon of incomprehensible math problems, rushing bodies in the hallway, tests, quizzes, alarm clocks, responsibilities, SAT’s, ACTs, and more afterschool activities than I can count on one hand. I would kill to get a many hours of sleep per night as I have clubs on my resume. But if my life is the Daytona 500, the cars grind to a halt and the crowds disperse on Friday, when I drive up to the barn. The roaring engines in my mind shut off and for a brief moment, it is quiet in my head. Most people find peace lying on beaches for hours or relaxing on the couch, but the stiller my body is, the faster my thoughts race. Horseback riding is as much a mental game as it is physical, and concentrating on my body position and my horse’s movements absorbs my full attention unlike anything else; due dates, t rigonometry, and gnawing anxieties gallop away. Tightly packaged in the suburbs, I never really experienced the outdoors until I started riding. I’ve always felt an emptiness that should have been filled with fresh air. If my childhood was largely nature-deficient, horseback riding has been my multivitamin. Stress can be a poison that eats you up, but the blue sky, the air, the mountains, and the sun-drenched grasses at 1152 Haverstraw Road are the perfect antidote. While I can’t be sure where I’ll go when I die, I do know that heaven exists. Maybe it’s not in the sky, maybe it’s not in another dimension, but heaven exists at 1152 Haverstraw Road.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Our aim is to investigate how varying certain key factors will affect the time taken for marble to react in Hydrochloric Acid Essays

Our aim is to investigate how varying certain key factors will affect the time taken for marble to react in Hydrochloric Acid Essays Our aim is to investigate how varying certain key factors will affect the time taken for marble to react in Hydrochloric Acid Essay Our aim is to investigate how varying certain key factors will affect the time taken for marble to react in Hydrochloric Acid Essay Key Factors ?Temperature of Acid ?The Catalyst ?The Concentration of the Acid ?The Surface Area of The Marble I am going to investigate the difference in the time taken for marble to react in Hydrochloric Acid depending on the temperature of the acid, and attempt to discover any patterns. 2HCl + CaCO3 H2O + CO2+ CaCl2 This will be a good reaction to test as one of the products is Carbon Dioxide so we can measure the time taken for the gas to be produced, using a relatively simple experiment. Prediction I predict that the warmer or hotter the reactant (In this case Hydrochloric acid) is, the quicker the reaction between the marble and the acid will take place. I think this because the more heat is applied, the more energy the molecules of the Hydrochloric Acid will have, therefore making the reaction occur much faster. Low Temperature High Temperature Method Apparatus List ?Basin filled with tap water ?Burette ?Conical Flask with side arm and bung ?G-Clamp with Stand ?Marble (Calcium Carbonate) ?2.5m Hydrochloric Acid ?Thermometer ?Bunsen Burner ?Tripod, Gauze and Heat-Proof Mat Diagram of Apparatus We weighed out the Marble into groups weighing 1g and then put them to the side. We then turned the Bunsen burner on and heated up the acid in the conical flask until it was at the desired temperature. We decided to test the reactivity at 40à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 50à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 60à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 80à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C and 100à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. We filled the burette up to 50cm3 and then turned it upside down with our hand over the end. We filled the basin half full with tap water and placed the burette upside down in the water, and then removed our hand. We used the G-Clamp to hold the burette in position just off the bottom of the basin. When the Acid was heated to the desired temperature we took it of the tripod and place the end of the sidearm into the bottom of the burette. We dropped the marble into the conical flask containing the acid and quickly placed the bung on the top. We then timed how long it took for the carbon dioxide being produced to be pumped into th e burette and force all of the water out using a timer. Results Temperature Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Mean Time 40à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 34.0 secs 35.0 secs 34.50 secs 50à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 8.8 secs 8.7 secs 8.75 secs 60à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 7.0 secs 7.3 secs 7.15 secs 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 5.5 secs 5.4 secs 5.45 secs 80à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 4.2 secs 4.0 secs 4.10 secs 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 3.0 secs 3.2 secs 3.10 secs 100à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C 2.1 secs 2.3 secs 2.20 secs There was a big decrease in the time taken to produce 50cc of carbon dioxide between 40à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C and 50à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. After that there was a slow and fairly steady decrease in the time taken to produce 50cc of Carbon Dioxide. Conclusion The reaction rate between the amylase and the hydrogen pyroxide increased as the temperature was increased because this gave the Hydrochloric Acid molecules more energy, so a greater percentage of the collisions between Calcium Carbonate molecules and the Hydrochloric Acid molecules produced reactions than at lower temperatures. This agrees with my prediction, as the time taken to empty the burette of water decreased with higher temperatures. Evaluation I feel we could have improved our results by doing lower temperature acid, to produce moà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e accurate results. This would help as we could test the time taken to produce 50cc of Carbon Dioxide at room temperature, and even at much colder temperatures. We also could have done intermediate temperatures between our existing temperatures, such as doing a test every 5à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, e.g.20à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 25à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 30à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 35à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C and so on until 100à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. If we had been able to keep the acid at the acquired temperature this would have made our results even more accurate, as the acid probably dropped greatly in temperature as the reaction was taking place.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Feasibility study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Feasibility study - Research Paper Example The new business venture will be called Pizzeria Inn. It will be located at the northern Mexico. The new industry will, therefore, feature Dine in, Take Out and also Delivery services. Most economists and researchers agree that entrepreneurship is one of the significant ingredients for stimulating economic growth as well as offering job opportunities to the jobless members of all the societies. According to Jacksack & Start (2003), globally, successful SMEs have become the primary engines of job creation and poverty reduction in the marginalized communities. As a business entrepreneur, a business plan is the only tool which can help the small business expand. It is the road map an entrepreneur needs to follow in order to realize the set goals and objectives. It is, therefore, the initial step to a successful business venture. Any business entrepreneur should, therefore, provide a business plan which acts as a guide to the whole business process. The paper, therefore, endeavors to conduct a business plan for New Antoniou Pizzeria. The new business venture will target the middle income pizza in Sparks. Pizza inn is thought to be conveniently accessible to over 90,000 targeted market consumers in this region. This includes one of the most attractive market opportunities for this venture. The competitive analysis of the business venture has identified significant market place gaps to serve as the base for the industries competitive advantage. This business venture would help Mexican middle class residents around the beach as well as far residents who come to the beach to benefit from low priced delicious dishes which maybe could not have afforded from other huge restaurants. It would also help other entrepreneurs to venture in innovative business ventures hence gain the managerial and entrepreneurial skills needed to run such

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Decision in paradise part II Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Decision in paradise part II - Case Study Example The People of Kava settle down but within a short while, they are quickly disoriented by yet another catastrophe that they all too well expected to happen. Our company is here to improve the well being of the people of Kava. The already established company intends to change the island a found paradise. It is so lost in a series of confusing and intertwined events to realize that it is a have by itself. The majority of Kava Island's population is aged 15 years and below. It is a culturally diverse island with a combination of people with 50% coming from indigenous tribes, French, Americans, Africans, and Spanish. The people of Kava are basically of indigenous belief. As a matter of, 50% of the people have an indigenous faith while the rest is a mixture of English, French and Spanish. The main economic activity is farming of spices, cocoa bananas and coffee. They also are involved in extraction of petroleum. The company will step by step take full advantage of these terrible disasters in Kava and turn them into opportunities. Whatever it is that we have to do however must be beneficial to both our company and the population of kava. After all, that's what intelligent business people do. As on employee of this company, I will have to adopt a decision making model that will help me turning this around. The main source of our strength is that the management of t... It is particularly impressed by the company's progress and development. The organization is efficient in all the operative departments, this includes the HR, Finance, Strategic planning, Marketing among others. The organizational structure and process is also reputable. For instance, the departments are decentralized for fast and effective decision, making. The threat is mainly the catastrophic nature f this land. Projects can be cut short or even destroyed try the numerous natural disasters. This however is our greatest opportunity as we will capitalize on re-carpeting, renovating and rebuilding the mess left behind by the calamities. Our only weakness is the workforce we have. The employees are not well versed with disaster management; the workers also require more expertise. To make a greater impact in the island and reap even more benefits, the company's human resources department intends to recruit more workers who must also be experienced. Various training and development measures will be put in place to empower the employees that we are currently having. To implement this the manager in the human resources department will organize for both on-the-job and off-the-job training. The employees who are based in the technical departments will be scheduled for on-the-job training while the rest will settle for seminars, workshops and other forms of training. To motivate the workers, the management will make a point of consulting them when doing the performance appraisal; they will also be consulted when making important decisions. To ensure that they do not resist organizational change, the workers will be involved actively in proposing the necessary changes in the company's management, strategic options and business expansion. In

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mathlab Simulink Project Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mathlab Simulink Project - Lab Report Example Communication toolbox is the boundary of matlab simulink is a graphical building block, diagramming tool, improved to resemble set of slab libraries. The matlab environment associates itself with the matlab and the engaging patterns of the two offers a tight and integrated move with the rest of the matlab environment. Additionally, this establishes matlab and can either be driven from the matlab itself or be scripted from it. Moreover, simulink, majorly used in control theory and error correction digital gesture dispensation of multidomain model and model-based plan helps in improving the performance and ability of matlab usage in determining error correction and coding methods. In conclusion, matlab simulink integrates its functions in order to have its performance at the best productive level for correcting errors and improving coding methods within a communication toolbox (Cassandras, 22). The reference signal operates from the coding methods. It moves in a graph line from 1 time offset all through frequencies as shown above in a upward and downward movements to give a graph of the above nature, therefore, confirming the principle of error correction and coding methods of up and down movements based on the wavelength of the signal and frequency. The control signal also operates almost in the same design but the movement and frequency of the graph is much more different as shown in the diagram below. The control signal has an upward steady movement with the wavelength up to 2, then a steady movement across the time offset meaning it’s the control signal that manipulates and confirms the idea of error correction and the coding methods of the communication tool box. It corrects the signal by allowing for steady flow of the signal within the communication toolbox. The developers and instructors of matlab have made an improving through the knowledge of the product developers and other stakeholders of the engineering field

Friday, November 15, 2019

The great Voyages of discovery

The great Voyages of discovery What was the economic significance of the Great Voyages of Discovery during the late fifteenth century? Compare the consequences for the Venetian Republic and Portugal. The Great Voyages of Discovery dates back to the late fifteenth century and this period can be termed as the Age of Discovery. The Portuguese navigators had a major role during this period. The voyages had a long run impact on global economy, thus it can be inferred that the voyages had great economics significance. They had significant consequences on both the Venetian Republic and Portugal. It is also worth noting that the Economic significance of the voyages of discovery were two folds: Opening up of new routes to east around southern tip of Africa broke the Venetian monopoly of trade between Europe and East. Discovery of New World opened up new possibilities of international specialisation between the New world and Europe. It is important to note that during that period Venice played a major role in opening the Mediterranean economy to West European commerce. It had important connections with North Europe. In building up its trade, Venice created a political empire. Between 1388-1499, Venice acquired territory on Italian mainland, by 1557, total population of these territories was about 1.5 million. It developed types of ship suitable for venetian commerce and the conditions of trade in the Mediterranean. The biggest enterprise in Venice was the Arsenal, a public shipyard . The other big sectors of Venetian economy apart from international trade were banking, book production, sugar production, trades in timber, carpentry, rope etc. There were also considerable manufacturing activities producing goods for local use and export. It was a leader in glass blowing. Venice traded with Asia in raw silk and silk products, but eventually this led to import substitution in Europe. The Venetian government regulate d production of silk and related products. The products were of very high quality and they made a substantial contribution to Venetian exports. They also traded in spices. For trade with east, they relied on Mediterranean followed by Egyptian and Syrian middlemen. Thus briefly stated, Venice had a political empire and it also had trade monopoly with the east. Europeans wanted direct access to the spices and trade with Asia, thus discovering a route to east was not a new idea. By 15th century, it was clear that such a venture would be very expensive and highly risky, but developments in eastern Mediterranean made it clear that the old Venetian route through Egyptian and Syrian middlemen was under threat, and the benefits from a new route would be enormous and rewarding. Therefore, there were preparations for this venture. It started when Prince Henry established a marine research station in Portugal. There had been developments in ship design, rigging and seamanship which made it possible to undertake long distance trips in deep waters. Further the Portuguese undertook trial voyages to explore possible route and wind patterns, like the one by Bartolomeu Dias. He discovered the Cape of Good Hope (May 1488). The Portuguese strategy of doing by knowing made good sense. Each trip built on the one before; each time they went a little farther. All these finally led to the voyage of Vasco da Gama around Africa to Calicut, India during 1497-99. The voyage itself was not very feasible, but he had proved the feasibility of the route and found a new source of gold in east Africa. He also confirmed that there were no maritime fleets in the Indian Ocean which could impede Portuguese access to spice trade. Following da gamas first voyage, Padro Cabral set sail to improve on the route, bring back a significant cargo and establish a base on Kerala coast. Cabral went farther west in the Atlantic than da Gama, and accidently found Brazil, which was within the boundaries allotted to Portugal in the Treaty of Tordesillas. It was further followed by da gamas 2nd voyage to India. All these developments led Portuguese Kingdom discovering and mapping most of the Globe. It is also worth noting that Europeans also went west. In 1492, Spain financed Columbus for his venture, he set sail and sighted West Indies. Later, to protect the respective interests, Spain and Portugal negotiated for a line of demarcation to divide the world into two halves for purposes of further exploration, with western half reserved for Spain and eastern for Portugal. The demarcation line even gave Brazil to Portugal. The Venetian role in spice trade was greatly reduced at the beginning of the 16th century because of restrictions on trade with Syria and Egypt imposed by the new Ottoman authorities, and competition from direct Portuguese shipments from Asia. Venetian spice import fell from 1600 tons a year towards the end of 15th century to less than 500 tons a year by the first decade of the sixteenth century. Thus the leading role of Venice in trade had declined. Its sugar industry in Crete and Cyprus also declined because of competition from Portuguese production in Madeira and later in Brazil. There were changes in shipbuilding technologies because of which the Venetian galleys became obsolete, because of which there was a sharp decline in the main product of the Arsenal. The Venetian merchants increased their purchase from abroad. Venice could not adapt to technological change because it did not have access to cheap timber unlike other Atlantic economies. The great old mercantile and industrial city state of Venice eventually lost out. Venetian republic along with other city states had been at the forefront of the medieval commercial revolution and had led the way into international trade and division of labour, but they never really capitalized on the opportunities opened by the great discovery; there was no Italian ship in Indian Ocean or crossed Atlantic. It was entered and caught in the great inland sea. It is also worth noting that over the 16, 17, 18th centuries Venice did not expand much in population and per capita income, but it remained one of the richest parts of Italy and Europe until overtaken by the Dutch in the 17th century. After da gamas second voyage, he returned to Lisbon with 13 of his ships and nearly 1700 tons of spices i.e. about the same as annual Venetian imports from the middle east at the end of the 15th century. However, the Portuguese margins on this trade were much bigger than the Venetian. Portugals primary commercial objective in the east was to obtain pepper and other spices and ship these directly to Europe, bypassing the intermediaries that the traditional traffic faced across Asia into the Mediterranean. The Portuguese did this by purchase or seizure. The Portuguese displaced Asian traders who had supplied spices to Red Sea and Persian gulf ports for onward sale to Venetian traders. Initially, these measures were a huge success and earned a large share of trade i.e. 40 percent of the pepper imported into Europe was going around the cape of good hope. This significantly hurt the venetians. But as time progressed, the older trade routes were being reused. The direct Portuguese share fell back to about 20 percent. To make up for the shrinking spice trade, the Portuguese foot into intra Asia exchange. There was trade within the Asian waters in textiles, porcelain, precious metal, carpets, perfume, jewellery, horses, timber, salt, raw silk, gold, silver, medicinal herb s and many other commodities. In the 1550s to the 1630s this kind of trade between China and Japan was a particularly profitable source of income for Portugal. Silk and porcelain played an increased role, and in the 17th and 18th century, cotton textiles and tea became very important. The Portuguese completely controlled the Indian Ocean. All merchant vessels were required to purchase a Portuguese trading license. Those who did not abide by the rules were liable to seizure. This domineering had another positive effect for Portugal: many fewer ships went out from Europe to Asia. In 1570, the crown gave up its monopoly of trade between Lisbon and Goa. This led to decline of Portugal as a trade leader. The various voyages by Portuguese navigators (Dias, Cabral, da Gama) had laid the foundations of the Portuguese trading empire in east Africa and Asia. Portugal maintained a monopoly of traffic round the Cape of Good Hope until the last decade of the 16th century. Thus it can be comfortably said that without advances in shipbuilding and navigation, journey to far east would not have been successful. Overall, the costs of trade were much low for Portugal as compared to the Venetian method-through Mediterranean and by land across Asia. Thus, the great voyages of discovery completely transformed European trading with the east, breaking the monopoly held by the venetians and making many of the goods found in Asia more accessible to rest of Europe. References: Maddison, A.(2001).The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective. Paris: OECD Maddison, A.(2007). Contours of the World Economy, 1-2030 AD: Essays in Macro-economic History.Oxford: Oxford University Press Landes, D.(1998). The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: why some are so rich and some so poor .Little, Brown and Company Winius, G.(2007). Portuguese Indian Ocean Exploration Voyages, 1497-1515,The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Maritime History. Ed. John B. Hattendorf. (online) ( Oxford: Oxford University Press(Accessed 06 December 2009)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Clamence from The Fall by Albert Camus Essay -- Jean-Baptiste Clamence

Clamence from The Fall by Albert Camus The Fall, a 1957 novel written by Nobel Prize winner Albert Camus, is a story based on confession. The main character, Jean-Baptiste Clamence, portrays himself to be the epitome of good citizenship and acceptable behavior and now he has come to face the reality that his existence has been deeply seated in hypocrisy. Clamence also openly enjoys the wealth of cheap dreams that the prostitutes and bars his Amsterdam home has to offer. In a bar called Mexico City, Clamence begins to recall his life as a respected lawyer, supposedly immune to judgment. There are different theories on whether Clamence recalls his life to himself or to another person, but it is in fact a random acquaintance from the bar that Clamence shares stories of his life’s triumphs and failures. While Clamence is in the bar, he asks another person who is trying to order a drink if he "may offer his services without running the risk of intruding" because unless the man authorizes him to perform his services, the bartender will not guess that he wants gin. The service Clamence is referring to is his ability to speak Dutch, the only language the bartender speaks and understands. What suggests that Clamence is speaking to another person in the bar is the fact that if someone wants to do something, they do not need to be given permission by himself. If a person feels they are not allowed to do something, it is because one of two reasons. One, the person might feel the action is inappropriate and that would directly deal with that persons set of morals and discipline. Secondly, the person might not be allowed to perform the task by the person it would deal with and that would have to do with power of authori... ...nce states that he is "embarrassed to be in bed when you arrive." This quote clearly states that Clamence is in one location and another person enters this place unexpectedly and catches him by surprise, thus causing the embarrassment of possibly an unkempt house or a unattractive personal appearance due to the sickness. The reason why there are two people present is because Clamence says "you" which means he is addressing some one else. Although different theories on whether or not Clamence is alone when he recalls his life may exist, it is in fact an acquaintance that he shares his life with. In order for Camus' choice of wording that deal with ownership and possession and by definition of key words such as "secret" to be used in accordance with rules of proper grammar, another person must be present for the meaning of the words to be applied correctly.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Antigone Minor Character Essay

The play Antigone tells the story of one of Oedipus’ daughters standing up to the law in order to honor her brother. The story begins after Polyneices and Eteocles have killed each other and King Creon issues an edict forbidding the burial of Polyneices. In the prologue Antigone’s sister Ismene is introduced. Ismene while a minor character serves a great purpose in the play. In the opening lines of the play a dialogue is occurring between Ismene and Antigone. In lines 14-29 Antigone is telling Ismene of her plan to bury Polyneices even though Creon forbids it. Ismene tells her â€Å"We are only women; We cannot fight with men†¦. We must give in to the law†. Ismene’s refusal and fear of breaking the law serves to emphasize Antigone’s stubbornness and hardheadedness. In scene 2 when Ismene tries to take partial blame for the burial of Polyneices, Antigone refuses her. This shows Antigone’s pride for her actions and her protectiveness and loyalty to her family. Ismene is included to act as a foil to Antigone’s character. Where Ismene not included in the play, the play would not have such a great effect. Ismene represents the average women in this Greek society. Had her character not been introduced the reader would assume that all women in that society were as hardheaded and stubborn as Antigone. If Antigone would have represented the average woman the theme of loyalty to family would be lost. Through out the prologue Ismene refers back to the fact that they are just women and have no power against the laws or what is done about them. In scene 2 Creon is convinced that it was a man who buried Polyneices and not a woman this serves to verify the gender roles in Greek society. Ismene’s shy, hesitant, and reluctant behavior is typical of a woman of that society since after all they had no rights and were treated as property. In conclusion Ismene while a minor character serves the role of a foil to Antigone by emphasizing Antigone’s hardheaded stubbornness. She is included to show how typical women in Greek society acted and what they believed. If it weren’t for Ismene several themes in the story would not appear.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cultural Geography Overview

Cultural Geography Overview Cultural geography is one of the two major branches of geography (versus physical geography) and is often called human geography. Cultural geography is the study of the many cultural aspects found throughout the world and how they relate to the spaces and places where they originate and then travel as people continually move across various areas. What Is Cultural Geography? Some of the main cultural phenomena studied in cultural geography include language, religion, different economic and governmental structures, art, music, and other cultural aspects that explain how and/or why people function as they do in the areas in which they live. Globalization is also becoming increasingly important to this field as it is allowing these specific aspects of culture to easily travel across the globe. Cultural landscapes are also important because they link culture to the physical environments in which people live. This is vital because it can either limit or nurture the development of various aspects of culture. For instance, people living in a rural area are often more culturally tied to the natural environment around them than those living in a large metropolitan area. This is generally the focus of the Man-Land Tradition in the Four Traditions of geography and studies human impact on nature, the impact of nature on humans, and people’s perception of the environment. Cultural geography developed out of the University of California, Berkeley and was led by Carl Sauer. He used landscapes as the defining unit of geographic study and said that cultures develop because of the landscape but also help to develop the landscape as well. In addition, his work and the cultural geography of today is highly qualitative rather than quantitative - a main tenant of physical geography. Today, cultural geography is still practiced and more specialized fields within it such as feminist geography, childrens geography, tourism studies, urban geography, the geography of sexuality and space, and political geography have developed to further aid in the study of cultural practices and human activities as they relate spatially to the world.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Planning Management

Planning in Management While reading an article called, Leadership/Management. I discovered how leadership and planning skills are important qualities for managers to possess in any organization. Hoppe (2001) said, â€Å"A company called Robery Half Internationals conducted a survey, they found that most managers know that leadership and planning skills are important, but very few of them couldn’t claim that they had either skill.† The article states that the owners and top executives of an organization need to employ management staff that possesses these qualities to increase their likelihood for success. Hoppe explained that when hiring a coach for a sports team they look at what system they grew in. Meaning, where did this individual begin and how did they start off. Did they grow threw the ranks by being an assistant or any other positions that would make a successful manager. The same approach should be used when selecting an effective leader for an organization. Every organizati on has a mission that they set out to accomplish and every organization needs effective leadership and effective planning to accomplish this mission. Hoppe also discusses that once an organization finds their leader; the leader needs to be held accountable. The person in charge of the organization is the one making decisions that will directly impact the organization and it is their job to put there best foot forward for the good of the organization. Hoppe closes by talking about planning, spending time with the ones you lead. This concept will assist with others within the organization to develop their own leadership styles that will later benefit the organization. The more leadership qualities are shared within the organization productivity will increase and will ultimately benefit the entire organization. Managers cannot do it alone; they are only as good as the employees that surround them. Therefore, effecti... Free Essays on Planning Management Free Essays on Planning Management Planning in Management While reading an article called, Leadership/Management. I discovered how leadership and planning skills are important qualities for managers to possess in any organization. Hoppe (2001) said, â€Å"A company called Robery Half Internationals conducted a survey, they found that most managers know that leadership and planning skills are important, but very few of them couldn’t claim that they had either skill.† The article states that the owners and top executives of an organization need to employ management staff that possesses these qualities to increase their likelihood for success. Hoppe explained that when hiring a coach for a sports team they look at what system they grew in. Meaning, where did this individual begin and how did they start off. Did they grow threw the ranks by being an assistant or any other positions that would make a successful manager. The same approach should be used when selecting an effective leader for an organization. Every organizati on has a mission that they set out to accomplish and every organization needs effective leadership and effective planning to accomplish this mission. Hoppe also discusses that once an organization finds their leader; the leader needs to be held accountable. The person in charge of the organization is the one making decisions that will directly impact the organization and it is their job to put there best foot forward for the good of the organization. Hoppe closes by talking about planning, spending time with the ones you lead. This concept will assist with others within the organization to develop their own leadership styles that will later benefit the organization. The more leadership qualities are shared within the organization productivity will increase and will ultimately benefit the entire organization. Managers cannot do it alone; they are only as good as the employees that surround them. Therefore, effecti...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

American Franchisers in China Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American Franchisers in China - Case Study Example Foreign franchisers invested in Europe, Asia, South America and some parts of Africa. In Asia, China has the biggest market and starting businesses in this country is very strategic. However, the political, social, and cultural conditions in China are not the same with the United States. This paper tries to analyze the different strategies that the KFC franchisers took to make KFC one of the most successful franchises in China today. This paper also mentions the problems the managements encountered and the measure they took to remedy those. It also analyzes how successful KFC franchises are in China that they reached a total of 2,200 KFC branches4 in China alone. Johan Olsson cites several reasons why an international business strategy such as joint venture is recommended for China: (1) solves many logistic problems such as access to good quality chicken and other supplies, (2) eases the access to the Chinese market, (3) shares risk with local entity, and (4) serves a sign of commitment to the host government increasing goodwill.5 Pei Liang and Sun Zhixian examine which of the three (3) business strategies: (1) direct franchising, (2) master franchising, and (3) joint ventures is effective in the Chinese market. For direct franchising, the success of this strategy relies on establishing a good relationship between foreign investors like the Americans and local partners in China. Local partners know and understand much about the political, economic, and social conditions of the country. They are also in "much better position(s) to negotiate with government agencies as well as required suppliers."6 The authors also add that direct franchising for American franchisers will be difficult without local partners in a culturally-different state like China.7 Olsson adds that franchising is not suitable for China because of the strict foreign investment laws. For master franchising, the main problem that exists why this strategy has lower success rate compared to joint venture is the availability of a qualified master franchisee. Liang and Zhixian describe a master franchisee to have not only an abundant capital but also "a favorable social relationship as well as the entrepreneurial skills and the ability to communicate easily with a franchisor." If the master franchisee fails to maintain "franchise quality or reverse engineer and duplicates the franchisor system, he franchisor could, as a practical matter, face considerable difficulties in enforcing the terms of the master franchising agreement or terminating the relationship."8 For the master franchising to work in China, the master franchisee must possess the qualities of leadership and a lot of public relation skills. For Liang and Zhixian, they recommend the joint venture as the best choice for starting a business in China. They also mention that choosing a good and qualified local partner is the critical point for the success of any foreign business in China. Working with unqualified local partners may incur more management costs than management benefits because it weakens the performance of the business.9 Olsson supports these arguments by saying that "a potential partner with sufficient contacts [and] networks with government agency officials may smoothen the process of setting-up operations in the nation."10 Olsson also adds that joint ventures produce

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marketing Communication Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Communication Strategy - Case Study Example The essay will analyze and evaluate the buying behavior and perceptions of each segment. Communication objectives and strategies will also be included. A marketing communication plan will follow till the conclusion. 3TM is a simple structure that is low in specialization and formalization but high in centralization. Such organizations have few rules and the authority rests with the owner who in this case is the company's President/Executive Director; Shawn A. Wray. Such organizations are flat with two or three vertical levels and a loose body of empowered employees in whom decision making is centralized. Social factors: These include changes in demography and consumer's buying patterns. 3TM has to deal with people's changing attitudes towards charity and the company needs charity since it is the fuel to its engine. Also the public's perceptions of the different projects the company takes up is important since people support have different opinions to different projects and purposes to collect charity. Technological factors: All organizations have to keep up to date with the constant changes in technology. New developments in technology must be adopted for better management but they are expensive and funds are a problem for charity organizations. Internal marketing is a process within the organization that aims to empower and motivate employees at all levels in order to increase consumer satisfaction. The key concepts of internal marketing include alignment of the company's purpose in a way that it integrates with employee behavior in order to motivate employees to work for the betterment of the company. It is a problem but a necessity. Internal marketing is an essential communication tool since it helps to wipe out any resistance to change in the organization. It aims to involve employees at all levels in new initiatives and strategies. This motivates and empowers the employees and they feel like an important and valued part of the organization which further motivates them to work for the organization. This also eliminates high turnover and absenteeism since employees like to work for the organization. Internal marketing is a necessity since organizations are changing and growing continuously, renaming and re-branding is common, relationship marketing is the emerging field in marketing and it can be done with the help of employees only, Contract employment is more common then full-time employment so a brand vision and value is important for success, internal marketin

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

International Business Environment - Essay Example (Koontz 1984) Gabor (1990) in his analysis has mentioned that the theory of management has developed over the past one-hundred years growing from the time and motion studies of engineers to get influenced by the social movements or events; from a decentralized operation to the concept of looking for the best or supremeoperative mode of an organization or Total Quality Management or TQM. (Gabor, 1990) There are various theories associated with the organizational management and those theories are developed based on functionality of various departments. Those theories are revised with the time depending on various real life examples (incidents of various departments in various organizations) over the world. All those theories have various advantages as well as some limitations. In this paper the focus is to analyze three of the following theories, their applications and most importantly what are their advantages and what are the limitations. The Three theories are: International Product Life cycle theory; Krugman’s First Mover Advantage Theory and Porter’s Diamond model. The life cycle of any product can be divided into four distinct parts namely: introduction phase, growth phase, maturity and decline phase. When any particular product first introduce in the market then the demand for that product remains high as people wants to buy the new product. Soon after the introduction, the product often passes through the growth phase where the sales volume hit the top. Slowly it reaches the maturity phase when the demand and supply meets one point and the product is able to reach its ultimate high in terms of demand. This is the normal product life cycle associated with any product all over the globe. The IPLC or international product life cycle model was first designed by Vernon in the year of 1966. The main objective of this mode was to develop an advanced trade theory beyond David Ricardo’s static framework of comparative advantages which was designed in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Clothing Later Victorian (1870-1890) Essay Example for Free

Clothing Later Victorian (1870-1890) Essay After the death of her husband in 1861, Victoria went into seclusion, and though still deeply respected as sovereign of a great empire, she ceased to influence fashion as directly. The somber colors that came into fashion are attributed to the fact that the British Court remained in mourning. Black became a popular fashion color in this period, not only worn for mourning. However dress forms changed significantly. After decades of full skirts, a new silhouette appeared that accentuated the body while still covering it. The tightly fitted bodice remained, but now the full skirts were swept back, leaving a tight narrow skirt in the front, with all the fullness arranged in the back. The chief feature of this period was the rear emphasis in dress, typified by the bustle, a padded arrangement of drapery that accentuated the buttocks. The bustle was at its largest in the mid 1870s (above right), but would develop in a more tailored form in the mid 1880s (left). However, throughout the period, the narrow silhouette and rear emphasis was a constant. Although the new look was decried as immodest because it revealed, even exaggerated the female shape, it was also an extremely restricting style that required exceptionally severe corseting. This was a period in which more women were coming out of the home and into the community to participate in volunteer work and other public activities. In this period the womens rights movement (which included suffrage, protection for working women, and dress reform) gained momentum. Both the revelation of the womans body and the protest against the restrictiveness of the garments reflected the changing times. In addition to factory work, long done by poor women, the typewriter and the sewing machine were now creating work opportunities for middle class women who needed income. Since fashionable dress limited mobility, changes in dress were called for to accommodate these new realities. Art Nouveau (1890-1911) The Art Nouveau silhouette, particularly that of the 1890s, in some ways echoed the look of the early Romantic period. The Full leg-o-mutton sleeves and flared, moderately full skirts were similar (left). However, the hour-glass figure with its erect posture, stiffly boned collar band, and high shoulders suggested a more formidable image than the slope-shouldered decorative butterfly of the 1820s and 1830s. Increasing numbers of young unmarried women now worked in shops and offices, and housewives were often active in church work and other community voluntary activities. Women also began to appear socially in public, in restaurants and even at the beach. Sportswear -specialized clothing for strenuous activity- had begun to appear as early as the 1860s but in the 1890s the advent of the bicycle put women into pants bloomers in public for the first time. Tailored (but skirted) suits for women, similar to mens suits in cut, were now part of every womans wardrobe (right). A example of a dress by the House of Worth, beautifully shows the relationship of fashion design to design in the other decorative arts in this period. After 1900 the silhouette shifted to the s curve of the new corset style (left), recommended by reformers as a healthier alternative to the hour-glass silhouette. Soft, gauzy fabrics combined with lace became the style, and for special occasions, lightweight white lacy cotton dresses were worn by every one. The sinuous lines and soft materials and colors were consistent with the Art Nouveau style as we have seen it in furnishings and architecture. These soft dresses, particularly those worn near the end of the period, were also reminiscent of the classical styles of the revolutionary period a century earlier. Suits and tailored dresses also continued to be part of the daytime repetoire, however. On the whole, clothing was becoming more relaxed as womens lives continued to expand. Romantic (1815-1840) After 1815 womens dress became increasingly fussy and decorative, as skirts became fuller, and the waistline gradually descended to the natural waist. Severe corseting also returned, as did layers of petticoats. In this period, women were pushed back into a more modest role, befitting the weaker sex, often described as delicate, fragile, and decorative. The intellectuals and artists of the Romantic movement valued emotion and sentiment, in contrast to the cold reason that was perceived to have driven the revolutions of the 18th century enlightenment. Women, believed to be more emotional than men, were idealized as the muses of artists. Some, like Elizabeth Barret Browning and Mary Shelley, achieved recognition as artists in their own right. Women were also placed on a moral pedestal, and looked upon as the guardians of family and community virtue, and the educators of the children. This moral elevation of women would eventually lead some to suggest that women deserved a wider role in public affairs. However, for now, dress reflected the perception of women as weak and decorative. The slope-shouldered, full sleeved silhouette suggested a weak body, and a butterfly-like decorative quality. Later in the period, the look became increasingly subdued and modest. Early Victorian (1840-1870) The young queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837, and would rule England until 1901 during the height of the British Empire. During this period she became a happily married mother of nine children, and represented the ideal of womanhood for her age modest, devoted to family and duty, and the guardian of morality. Her tastes in clothing were also influential, reflecting her values, and those of her times. The major characteristic of the dress silhouette in this period was the exceptionally full and long skirts that completely shrouded the lower body . The skirts became so full that by the late 1850s hoops were needed to support the skirts, as the heavy layers of petticoats could no longer achieve the desired effect. The bodice and shoulders were very narrow, accentuating a weak upper body silhouette and tiny waist accentuated by the voluminous skirts. In the 1840s and 1850s deep bonnets were worn that modestly hid the face and neck except when the wearer looked directly at the viewer (above, right). In fact, except for evening wear, clothing covered virtually every bit of skin except the face (left). However, it was also in this period that the first protests against this restrictive form of dress appeared. Dress reform was associated with concern for protecting the health and welfare of women, which included the womens suffrage movement and the temperance movement. The restrictive fashionalble dress of the day was seen as both unhealthy and as a restriction on womens activities. An alternative costume was promoted that was based on loose-fitting pants borrowed from traditional Turkish womens costume. This costume became known as Bloomers, because it was popularly associated with activist and editor Amelia Jenks Bloomer. However, this costume was not widely accepted at the time for street wear, although bloomers were gradually adopted for girls and womens physical education activities. In the 1860s, though skirts reached their fullest, hats became smaller.Decoration became more geometric, and striped fabrics were also popular. By the end of the period, the full skirts became asymmetrical, with fullness pushed to the back, a precursor of the next major fashion shift. In this period the sewing machine was invented, revolutionizing the manufacture of clothing. By the mid 1850s sewing machines were appearing in private homes, and began to account for a substantial proportion of domestic clothing production. This invention also made possible the rise of the ready-to-wear clothing industry. Charles Frederick Worth became established in Paris in this period as the first true couturier that is the first dressmaker who would set fashion, not merely follow the instructions of his wealthy clients. His premier client was the French Empress Eugenie. By the 1870s the well-to- do women of the world came to his salon to be dressed by the great Worth.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Impacts of Computer Technology on Law Enforcement :: Cause Effect Computers Essays

Impacts of Computer Technology on Law Enforcement Computers have had large impacts, in both negative and positive ways, on law enforcement related professions.With the introduction of the laptop, many vehicles were equipped to carry them in the dash.With these in place, officers can run warrant checks or find other necessary information about you and the vehicle when they pull you over and perform a search.But those same laptops, not the ones used in the cars, and other PCs have also led to a new form of crime that has been rather difficult for police agencies to investigate—cyber crime. So as in many areas, the computer has been a great work tool, but at the same time hinders some of the activities of the police. The use of computers in law enforcement has, in many cases, been a great idea.Officers can use the computer to store information, analyze particular objects found at crime scenes, and help in collecting information about criminals as well as victims.Some departments have begun to invest in automated fingerprint identification systems and a national program of mug shots for wanted fugitives.A department can also use computer related technology to set up surveillance of telephones, cars, street intersections, and other areas of interest around their jurisdiction (Osterburg and Ward 611-620). Investigators can also use the computer to their advantage.There are programs out now that helps sketch artists make composites of a criminal’s face.Some of these programs contain many thousands of different styles of noses, foreheads, eyes, lips, and other various facial features (Osterburg and Ward 199-201). The future of computer and its related technology is going to be playing a huge role in future areas of law enforcement.Some forms of virtue reality and simulators have and are being developed to help in training officers for certain incidents.These simulated experiences will be used to help rookie officer notice and â€Å"feel† the situation around them when they come upon a scene.It will make they use their knowledge along with the officers around them to determine the best course of action, instead of relying on the technology of the computer/machine like some kinds of simulators do (Forsythe 1-4). Some of the areas of law enforcement that people don’t really think about a computer being used are in the squad cars, manufacturing of ammo and weapons, and even computer technology to develop such things as stun guns (these things are sweet—50,000 volts of ass-kicking power).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Affirmative Action Doesn’t Work

Introduction I. As once stated by John Kasich, â€Å"Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles. † II. My partner and I stand against the resolution which states: â€Å"Resolved: Affirmative action to promote equal opportunity in the United States is justified. † III. We will show you that Affirmative action to promote opportunity in the United States is justified because Affirmative Action Doesn’t Work, Affirmative Action Stigmatizes Beneficiaries, Affirmative Action is not needed. Body I. Affirmative Action Doesn’t Work A. Affirmative action creates issues in college. Sander, Richard H. â€Å"Affirmative Action Hurts Those It's Supposed to Help. † Triblivenews. com. 2 Jan. 2005. Web. 02 Mar. 2010. . According to Richard Sander, (law professor at the University of California at Los Angeles) â€Å"Traditionally, critics of affirmative action have focused either on its unfairness to those groups that don't receive preferences (usually whites and Asians) or on the inherent conflict between racial preferences and the legal ideal of colorblindness. Over the last few years, however, a new and potentially even more damaging line of inquiry has emerged — the idea that racial preferences may materially harm the very people they intended to benefit†¦ My research over the last two years, using recent data that track more than 30,000 law students and lawyers, has documented even more serious and pervasive mismatch effects in legal education. Elite law schools offer very substantial racial preferences for blacks, Hispanics and American Indians in order to create student bodies that are as racially diverse as their applicant pools. Because these elite schools admit the black students that second-tier law schools would normally admit, second-tier schools, to keep up their minority numbers, also offer big racial preferences. The result is a cascade effect down the law school hierarchy, leaving 80 percent to 90 percent of black students at significantly more selective schools than they would get into strictly on their academic credentials. † B. II. Affirmative Action Stigmatizes Beneficiaries. A. B. Affirmative Action programs stigmatize minorities – studies prove Michelle Wu, senior writer, April 2, 2009, â€Å"Affirmative Action stigmatizes minority students,† Daily Princetonian, http://www. dailyprincetonian. om/2009/04/02/23248/ According to Michelle Wu, senior writer â€Å"Affirmative action may increase academic pressure and stigmatize minority students, according to a study conducted by sociology professor Douglas Massey GS ’78, â€Å"If white students believe that many of their black peers would not be at a college were it not for affirmative action and, more important, if black students perceive whites to believe that, then affirmation action may indeed undermine mino rity-group members’ academic performance by heightening the social stigma they already experience because of race or ethnicity,† Massey and his three collaborators wrote in The Chronicle of Higher Education on March 27. The researchers also presented another detriment of the controversial policy: â€Å"that affirmative action exacerbates the psychological burdens that minority students must carry on campuses. † III. Affirmative Action is not a need A. B. Obama proves affirmative action is no longer necessary Joseph Williams and Matt Negrin, March 18, 2008, â€Å"Affirmative Action foes point to Obama,† Boston Globe, http://www. boston. om/news/nation/articles/2008/03/18/affirmative_action_foes_point_to_obama/ According to Joseph Williams and Matt Negrin, March 18, 2008, staff writers of Boston Globe â€Å"Leading opponents of affirmative action are increasingly seizing on Illinois Senator Barack Obama's historic run for the presidency as proof that race-b ased remedies for past discrimination are no longer necessary. Influential Republicans and a growing number of policy specialists at conservative organizations, including the Goldwater Institute, Project 21, and the Manhattan Institute, are citing the fact that large numbers of white voters are supporting Obama, who leads in the race for Democratic delegates, as evidence that affirmative action has run its course. Ward Connelly, a black conservative who is leading a national effort to ban racial preferences, vowed to use Obama's

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Redemption in The Kite Runner Essay

It is only natural for humans to make mistakes, just like Amir in the novel The Kite Runner, but it is how the mistakes are resolved that will dictate ones fate. The main character of The Kite Runner, Amir, knows a thing or two about making mistakes. What he struggles with throughout the novel is finding redemption for those mistakes. Throughout all stages of Amir’s life, he is striving for redemption. Whether Amir is saying the wrong thing or hiding from a hurtful truth, he always finds new things he will have to redeem himself for. That is why redemption is a huge underlining theme in The Kite Runner. When Amir is a child, he feels his father blames him for his mother’s death and cannot love him. He does everything he can think of to try and make up for the mistakes he made in the past. Since Amir feels his father does not love him, he thinks of ways to make things right with him. Amir sees Baba as a perfect higher presence that he could never amount to. When the kite running competition comes around he takes this opportunity to prove to his father that he can be more of an â€Å"ideal† son to Baba, ultimately getting redemption for everything his father has not approved of. Amir sees Baba as a perfect father figure because everyone looks up to him. Amir could never live up to Baba’s expectations of him and that is where the theme of redemption comes to play between these two characters. Although Amir impresses his father by winning the kite running competition, he ends the day by hurting his best friend in a terrible way and one day he will have to find a way to make up for it. Amir and Hassan are two inseparable children, but their relationship is unusual because Hassan is Amir’s servant. Amir is never very nice to Hassan, but Hassan would never turn his back on Amir. This is evident when he says, â€Å"For you a thousand times over†. Amir makes a huge mistake one day by hurting Hassan and it takes a very long time for him to find a way to redeem himself. The kit running competition was supposed to be the best day of Amir’s life. He would win, and earn his dad’s unconditional love once and for all, but things are not always as they seem. Although Amir did win the competition, something went very wrong. Hassan will always have Amir’s back, until the day he dies he would do anything for him. When Amir cut the last Kite down from the sky, Hassan decided to run it. Assef and his two friends didn’t exactly want Hassan to bring the kite back to Amir. Amir is a very evil young boy and since Hassan would do anything for Amir, he refuses to hand the kite over to Assef. Hassan’s final act of bravery results in his rape and Amir’s next big mistake. Amir watches Assef and his friends rape Hassan, but he does nothing to help his friend. Amir goes many years knowing this information but never tells anyone, but what goes around comes around. When everything finally catches up with Amir, he is a grown man. Things in Amir’s life have finally settled down, but now the past is brought back up; he must go find redemption once more. Amir survived his childhood, made a good life for himself and marries a beautiful Afghan woman named Soraya. One thing Amir is deprived of in his life is the ability to have children. Amir’s inability to have children could possibly be looked at as coincidental or symbolic to him making amends for his past mistakes and misgivings. Amir receives a phone call from his father’s old friend Rahim Khan. Although Rahim is dying, he asks Amir to come visit him in Afghanistan. Amir soon realizes that the main reason Rahim Khan asked him to visit was not to see him before he died, but because Rahim wants to help Amir succeed in reaching his final redemption. Rahim Khan has known about the kite running competition for Amir’s entire life, and he has a way for him to try and set things right. Hassan, who is dead now, has a son, but he is an orphan boy. The Taliban has taken over Afghanistan and they killed Hassan and his wife in cold blood. Sohrab, who is Hassan’s son, has been taken by the Taliban as payment for the orphanage. Rahim Khan puts Amir up to the challenge of going to find Sohrab and giving him a proper home. He states, â€Å"I have a way to make things right again†. In order for Amir to redeem his past with Hassan, he must go and find Sohrab, who is the ultimate symbol of redemption in Amir’s life. Finding Sohrab was Amir’s greatest accomplishment, it was the ultimate redemption for all the evil and unjust things that have haunted his past. Amir fails to stand up for himself and others, as a child. As an adult, he redeems his uncourageous past by setting it right with the help of some very close family members. Amir goes through many stages in his life, but he always seems to be redeeming himself for something. Sometimes life seems to work out in the end, and the search for redemption may not always be easy, as witnessed in Amir’s case. However, a strong will and determination can help guide the road to redemption and possible forgiveness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sentimental Essay

Sentimental Essay Sentimental Essay Celia Morales Ruiz Mr. Jeffrey L. Olson, Jr. AP English Language & Composition March 7, 2014 Being different is ok My dad has never understood that being different is never a bad thing. My older brother Hector, confessed to me last year before he left to travel the world with his new job as a flight attendant for American Airlines, that he liked men. Meaning he’s homosexual. Do I care? No because its his decision and not anyone elses. But here is how it all slowly began to build up. To begin with, my dad and brother have never had that all american father ­ son relationship as you see in movies nowadays. Hector ever since he was a child and lived in Mexico, has been the outcast of the family. You’d think that because he was a boy, the dad would love him to death. Not in this case, my dad would get grossed out when my brother would get home and want to eat because he did not eat at school all day due to financial issues. He would hate if he would go to the fridge more than twice a day, like everything he did bothered him. Nothing made my dad happy. If he was quiet he’d get yelled out for not talking, if he was loud he’d want to spank him. He would even get disrespected at the store in front of hundreds of people.When they arrived in the United States, Hector was in elementry school still and when he would ask my dad for help on his homework he’d yell at him for not understanding what was being asked, and would call him in spanish â€Å"estupido o un Idiota†. When he began high school at Agua Fria, he gained a lot of weight due to stress, anxiety, and everything else that my dad caused him. As he began his freshman year, he was doing better things for himself. He got his first job at McDonald’s. and lasted a couple months before he realized that one job was not giving him enough money for all his own expenses. He was working for himself since my dad could care less about him. So he got another job at Burger King, he still went to school, got good grades and all but it was never good enough for my dad†¦. ever. And I’ve always wondered why my brother has always had so much hatred towards life and the people, he’s forced to call family. But in all honesty its all my dads fault. My Mom reminds us constantly that we’re so lucky to have not have had Dad be like he was with Hector. He would shake in fear of not knowing what Dad was capable of doing.He never was allowed to go to college due to the fact of financial aid and Dad’s lack of being involved in our studies (still to this day). I do not mean to throw him under the bus at all. By the time senior year came, he did not have the money to pay for his cap and gown, prom tickets,or his tux for the night. Mom with her motherly instincts took money out of my dad's bank account and gave it to Hector so he could at least enjoy part of his senior year. When he turned 17, he moved out of the house and stayed in approximately 7 different condos/ apartments until about the age of 22 he bought a house in Tolleson about four or five years ago, and yes all on his own with no ones help. He later got a high paying Job in the medicare department and